Ask Shaun Harvey & Danny Hogg

Thank you for agreeing to answer a few questions for your many Fans:

1: How long have you been riding to-gether as a 500 Team?

A: Since I came back to racing late 2003 after buying all the kit from Raz Palmer:

2: You have had two rides in Holland so far this season, how did it go at Vries and last Monday at Balkbrug?

A: Vries 4th after a suspension failure in the A Final. Balkbrug 5th after trapped leg in A Final from front mudguard jamming my foot so I could not steer:

3: Were you using the new type of exhaust silencer at those meetings?

A: No they have stopped using the new silencer until they have sorted all the problems with the engines overheating. We start using them in May in Holland:

4: How does this year’s chassis, built by James Rogers, differ from previous outfits that you have ridden?

A: We have tried various steering angles, as in difference not much but a slight improvement, but same all the rest of any bike, is only really good on certain tracks and some no good:

5: In the early meetings, William Matthijssen was riding with his new passenger Sandra Mollema. Has he changed his style, and whom has Sandra ridden with before?

A: He hasn’t changed he is still super quick, Sandra used to ride with Raymond Deroy:

6: When do you expect to come up against Tommy Kunert, and is Markus Eibl still in the chair for season 2010?

A: You never know who is on the chair with Tommy, but I will meet all the Germans at Mulmshorn Euro Semi in June:

7: Danny is quite tall at 5’11” for a passenger, is that an advantage for your style of riding?

A: I have only ever ridden with Danny7 so wouldn’t know, also when 1 of us is ready to stop riding then we both will:

8: What is your main priority for this season? A podium in Europe or your British title back again to make it six?

A: Both of the above, we have a new buzz for this year now we are chasing for titles again:

9: Is there a great local rivalry between Team Harvey/Hogg and Nick & Abi Radley, also from Chelmsford?

A: None at all, I have known Nick since a baby and grew up with his family so same as in many family atmospheres we have our differences but on general we enjoy the close racing we have, he has been chasing us for five years so law of averages say he has to win now and again:

10: Who was/is your hero on the track?

A: Joseph Onderka – William Matthijsen – Heinz Pagel:

11: Are you using a WM tuned GM engine again this year? Any new ‘bits’ on it?

A:  William just tuned me a JRM to try, so GM and JRM:

12: Which is your favourite track in England, and in Europe?

A: Rhodes Minnis – Eenrum Holland:

Thank you for sparing the time in your busy schedule to answer the questions, and good luck for the rest of the season:

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