Wainfleet Report

Wainfleet & District Sporting Motorcycle Club

Press Report on Super Speed track Racing,

The David Nix Memorial Meeting, 3rd JUNE 2012

An action packed day of racing to remember David under testing conditions was the order of the day at the Wainfleet and District Sporting Motorcycle Club’s David Nix Memorial Super Speed track event at the club’s superb Irby-in-the-Marsh venue.   In addition to adult solo and 1000cc sidecar riders, the club also incorporated a youth program me.

After heavy overnight rain which eased by lunchtime the track held up very well and with no standing water on the track the organisers made the decision to start the meeting.  With drizzle continuing throughout the day, however, track conditions became quite challenging for all riders.  In spite of this, it was particularly pleasing to see the youth riders, some only six years old, adapting very well to the track conditions.

In the 1,000cc sidecar event, the club’s own Colin Blackbourn with passenger Carl Pugh developed engine trouble on his new Suzuki outfit and had to revert to his ageing Yamaha.  Colin led the final to the first corner but was then passed in thrilling fashion by reigning British Masters and club champion Rod Winterburn/Liam Brown and he was then followed through by sons Gareth and Nathan.   There was then a shoulder to shoulder battle for supremacy between Blackbourn and Paul Whitelam with Blackbourn just getting the third place after changing positions throughout the race.

Reigning 500cc David Nix champion, Paul Cooper, had to miss the event as he was called up to ride in a European qualifier in Germany which ironically fell victim to the weather.  So there had to be a new winner of the trophy and Sleaford’s Ben Fenn-Smith produced some spectacular bursts of speed to take his biggest win to date.   The other positions were hard fought with Brighton’s Trevor Heath and Norfolk’s former Speedway rider Dean Garrod taking the minor placing’s.

In the 350cc class, Manchester’s Andy Mellish was looking to retain his title but ran against the formidable Georgie Wood who got the verdict from Mellish with some spectacular racing.  Dewsbury’s Andrew Whitaker took third place after veteran Bob Dolman ran into machine problems when well placed.

As ever, the 250cc class produced some top class racing with two former British Masters Champions David Knowles and Adam Shipp, with Knowles coming out the winner with Shipp second and Mark Williams in third place.       

In the Junior Poacher races, the Auto cadet class (6-8 year old) was won in impressive style by young Harry McGurk ahead of younger brother Sam and Wrangle’s Mickey Simpson.  Lady rider Tegan Brown from Preston took the cadet class from Daniel Curl and Jake Mulford.    In the Juniors (9-11 years), Charlie Brooks took the win from Josh Parnell-Hylton and Samuel Chapman. Sam Patchett took the intermediate title with a maximum from Jack Thomas and lady rider Sophie Flint third.

The club’s next event is the big one the International Lincolnshire Poacher Long Track taking place on Bank Holiday Sunday 26th August.  

For more Information ring Reg or Sheila on 01754-880659 


Auto Cadet:  1st Harry McGurk, 2nd Sam McGurk, 3rd Mickey Simpson.

Cadet: 1st Tegan Brown, 2nd Daniel Curl, 3rd Jake Mulford.

Junior: 1st Charlie Brooks, 2nd Josh Parnell-Hylton, 3rd Samuel Chapman

Inters: 1st Sam Patchett, 2nd Jack Thomas, 3rd Sophie Flint

250 Adult: 1st David Knowles, 2nd Adam Shipp, 3rd Mark Williams.      

350 Adult: 1st Georgie Wood, 2nd Andy Mellish, 3rd Andrew Whitaker.

500 Adult: 1st Ben Fenn-Smith, 2nd Trevor Heath, 3rd Dean Garrod.

1000 Sidecar: 1st Rod Winterburn/Liam Brown, 2nd Gareth & Nathan Winterburn, 3rd Colin Blackbourn/Carl Pugh.

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