Ian Gutteridge

gb gutteridge

Nationality: England.

Born: Leicester, 12 February 1961.

Home Town: Coventry.

Class: Vintage.

Family Connections: Brandon Gutteridge (Son).


Major Honours

Pre 75 British Championship: 500cc Third 2018.
AMCA Pre 75 British Championship: 500cc First 2004.

South Midland Centre Championship: Two Valve Third 2005.
Southern Centre Championship: Uprights First 2009.
Midland Centre Championship: Uprights Second 2010, Third 2008Pre 75 Second 2002, 2017.


Other Majors

Bewdley Bonanza: Third 2006.
Master of MidshiresPre 75s Third 2011.
Peterchurch ShowPre 75 Third 2005, Uprights Second 2008.
Three Pairs Flyer: Pre 75 Third 2005, 2006.


Club Successes

2018: First JCR, Second Ledbury; 2017: First Bewdley, Second JCR, Danebury, Third Ledbury, Bridgwater2012: Second Danebury, Third Worcestershire; 2011: Second Grassroots, Third Ledbury, Heart of England; 2010: Third Worcestershire; 2009: Second Fenland x2, Third Worcestershire, Swindon x3, Cheshire; 2008: Second Bewdley, Fenland x2, Third Burton & Leicester, Hayes & Southall, Fenland x2; 2007: Second Burton & Leicester, SCGTRA, Third Burton & Leicester; 2006: First Fenland, Danebury, Second Ledbury, Third Burton & Leicester, 2005: First VMCC x2, Third Ledbury, Swindon x2.


British Speedway Clubs

Kings Lynn (1982).


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