David Knowles


Nationality: England.

Home Town: York.

Class: 250cc Solo.


Major Honours

British Championship
First 2004, Second 2014, 2017, Third 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2015.


Other Majors

British Best Pairs: Second 2000, Third 2006.

East Midland Centre Championship: Third 2019.
Eastern Centre Championship Winner: 2007, 2013.
South Midland Championship: First 1999, 2018.
Midland Centre Championship: First 2003, 2004, 2005, Second 2017.
South Eastern Centre Championship: Second 2002.

Bewdley Bonanza: First 2006.
Champion of Champions: Second 2003, Third 2002, 2005.
David Nix Memorial: First 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, Third 2003.
Hangover: First 2005/06.
Jim Coles Spectacular: Second 1999.
Jon Underwood: First 2017, 2018Second 2001, 2002, 2007.
Master of Midshires: Second 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Ledbury Leader: Second 2015, 2017, Third 2016.
Three Pairs Flyer; First 2004, 2005, 2006.
Worcester Winner: First 2002.


Club Successes

2019: First STOMP; 2018: First Cheshire, Pickering, Second Worcester, Pickering x3, JCR2017: First Cheshire, Pickering, JCR, Second, Ledbury, SCA, Cheshire2016: First SCAWorcester, Pickering, LOGA, Hayes & Southall, Bewdley, Second Ledbury, SCA, Third Ledbury2015: First Wainfleet, Hayes & Southall, Fenland, LOGA x2, Second Cheshire2014: First LOGA, Cheshire, Burton & Leicester, Pickering, Dunmow, WainfleetSecond LOGA2013: First SCA, Bewdley, Cheshire x2, Ledbury x2, Burton & Leicester, Danebury, Second Hayes & Southall; 2012: First Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, Worcestershire; 2011: First Lancashire, Pickering x4, Yorkshire, Second Wainfleet2010: First Lancashire x3, Yorkshire x3, Pickering x3, Second Pickering2009: First Yorkshire x2, Pickering, Lancashire x2; 2008: First Pickering x3, Second Burton & Leiceste; 2007: First Wainfleet, Lancashire, Bewdley, Dunmow, Pickering x2, Second Burton & Leicester x2, Lancashire; 2006: First Burton & Leicester x2, Cheshire, Lancashire, Pickering x2, Tonbridge, Second Astra x2, Swindon; 2005: First Burton & Leicester x2, Leamington, Ledbury, Swindon x2, Lancashire.


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